Sound Bath + Meditation Coach

“Brilliant things happen in a calm mind. Be calm.”

  • Sound

    Music + Sound have been used in healing practices throughout history. When music is used in a relaxed state it can stimulate thoughts, feelings, images, memories and more. Music is capable of affecting the body on a cellular level. Our brain naturally syncs with the music leading us into a place of centeredness.

  • Frequency

    Certain frequencies have the power to stimulate the brain. Singing (Sound) Bowls induce ease and a state of harmony to the body. By using certain sound frequencies they can influence brainwaves. Listening to these frequencies produced during a Sound Bath Meditation will help aid with feeling more uplifted and help to become more present.

  • Benefits

    • Reduces stress and anxiety

    • Improves sleep

    • Improves concentration and focus

    • Feeling of rejuvenation

    • Sense of calm and relaxation

    • Elevates feelings of spiritual well-being

    • Breaks up stagnant energy in the body
