• What is a Sound Bath?

    A Sound Bath is an invitation to deep rest and relaxation. The frequencies of the different instruments gives your body a chance to “unplug” from external stimuli and become present in the moment.

  • Why is it called a Sound Bath?

    It’s called a Sound Bath because the experience feels like your body is being bathed with sound waves. The frequencies of the sound bowls penetrate your body on a cellular level. Once its practiced on a consistent basis it gives your mental state a much needed reset.

  • What should I wear to a Sound Bath?

    You should wear comfy clothes. Bring a yoga mat for comfort. If you’re feeling fancy, a pillow, blanket, and eye mask :)

  • What are some benefits of a Sound Bath?

    -Releases stress

    -Reduces anxiety

    -Improves sleep

    -Breaks up stagnant energy in the body

    -Give a sense of calm and groundedness

    -Feeling of rejuvenation

    -More self-awareness

  • What should I expect during a Sound Bath?

    I always tell people to be open to whatever you are feeling. You may have some memories pop up, feelings arise, you may even go to sleep. Just surrender to the moment and let whatever comes up to just do its thing. It’s being bought to your attention for a reason.

  • How many sound baths do I need?

    There is no magic number. We all wish that we can go to the gym just one time and return with a six pack. In reality we know it doesn’t work that way. So compare it to working out….. the more you practice mindfulness and meditation, the more present and self-aware you will become.

  • I can't make it to the Sound Bath Meditation, what do I do?

    If you can’t make it to your Sound Bath Meditation, please send me a text and let me know. Also Sound Bath Meditations are non-refundable. If you buy a concert ticket, just because you cant make it, you just miss out.

    You CAN pick another Sound Bath Meditation class to come to that better suits your schedule. It is YOUR responsibility to reach out to me with date in mind to check availability.